System Settings
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System Settings

The System page allows you to control application-wide settings, and is only accessible by employees with a permission level that allows them to edit system settings, such as Administrator. The following properties can be set:



Default Week Start

The default first day of the week, for instance Sunday or Monday. This is the default value for employees, but you can have as many different time periods with different week starts as needed by your organization. For instance, one group of employees could use a timesheet template that has a period starting on Sunday, while another group could use a template that starts on Monday. See the Time Periods help topic for more information on time periods, and the Templates help topic for more information on timesheet templates.

Default Hours Per Day

The default number of work hours in a day. This value is used when putting leave and holidays on timesheets. In addition, this value is used when displaying how many days of balance are available on the employee's home page. This is the default value, but you can override this value for each employee by setting the Scheduled Hours Per Day property on each employee's profile. See the Managing Employees help topic for more information.

Default Locale

The default locale for new employees. A locale is a language/country combination that determines the formatting of dates, currency and numbers. All diagnostic and audit log information is formatted using the default locale, too.

Default Time Zone

The default time zone for new employees.

Base Currency

The base currency for application. This will be the default currency when displaying or prompting for currency amounts. In addition, asset entries (for example expense entries), if configured to allow entry of cost amounts in local currencies, will convert the entered values into the base currency, for ease of reporting.

Note that the list of available currencies can be modified from the System > System Options page. See the System Options topic for more information.

Outgoing Email (SMTP) Server

The host name or IP address of your outgoing email server. Specify a value here in order to enable the application to send email notifications such as timesheet events or forgotten password requests. Self-hosted version only.


The port number for your SMTP server. The default is 25.


If your SMTP server is using connection security you will need to select the appropriate value here. Your options are:


No connection encryption


Transport Layer Security encryption


Secure Socket Layer encryption

Login Name

The optional login name for the outgoing email server. Self-hosted version only.


The optional password for the outgoing email server. Self-hosted version only.

Reply Address

The email reply address for notifications sent by the application. This is required if you have specified the outgoing email server address.

Note that you may want to use a "no reply" email address, e.g. "", if you want to make it clear to your employees that they should not respond to the automated email notices sent by the application.

Spam note: Be careful what address you use for the reply address. Some destination email servers will reject the email notices sent by Pacific Timesheet if the reply address is for a different domain than that of the email server used to send the email.

Audit Level

The audit level controls the amount of auditing the system performs. All audit events can be reported on using the Audit Report, available from the Reports tab. The following audit levels are provided:

Audit Levels


No auditing


Standard auditing, which includes the following audit controls:

  • Logging successful and unsuccessful login attempts, including their IP address
  • Logging login name and password changes
  • Logging audit setting changes
  • Logging user creation, modification and deletion
  • Logging timesheet deletion

High (DCAA)

Full Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) auditing. This provides the following additional audit controls over the Standard audit level:

  • Logging of any changes made to an employee's timesheet by another employee (for example their manager).
  • Logging of any changes an employee makes to their own timesheet if the time entry is more than 24 hours in the past.
  • Timesheets require approval
  • Comments must be recorded when timesheets are approved, rejected, or resubmitted for approval.
  • For more information see

Audit Days

The number of days to keep audit data (maximum 365). Note that audit data, especially if using the high (DCAA) level, can consume a considerable amount of storage.

Application URL

The base address for this application, for example http://hostname/timesheet. This is used when formatting links in email notices and other messages. For instance, the notice variable ${System.url} will be replaced with this value (see the Notices topic for more details). Self-hosted version only.

Send Test Email

After configuring your email server settings it is a good idea to send a test email. The email will be sent to the same address as the reply address.

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